"Don't Tell Seth!" is a variety show featuring members of the writing staff of Late Night with Seth Meyers. Unshackled from the confines of network censors and what Seth thinks is appropriate for the show, these writer-performers let loose in an evening of stand up, sketches, improv, character pieces and more.


Peter Grosz (Late Night with Seth Meyers, Veep & The Colbert Report) and John Lutz (Late Night with Seth Meyers, 30 Rock & SNL) improvise a two man version of their long-running Chicago show "4 Square."They start out with several two-person scenes and then after that anything goes.


Photo via NYTimes

Photo via NYTimes

Scott Adsit (30 Rock, Big Hero 6), Bob Dassie (WeirDass, Dasiriski), TJ Jagodowski (TJ & Dave, The Second City), John Lutz (30 Rock, Saturday Night Live), David Pasquesi (TJ & Dave, Veep), and Stephnie Weir (MADtv, The Comedians) create a fully realized, improvised play using a theater’s existing stage, set, and lighting. Identical to a traditional play in appearance and ambition, Stolen House creates a powerful, grounded, funny, wholly improvised theater piece every night. This is for the lover of theater and the lover of comedy. Stolen House is a once-in-a-lifetime pairing of the finest improvisors from New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles.